Dental Exams & Cleanings

Emergency Dental Care services for Madison Heights MI

Nothing is more effective than regular dental exams to avoid gum disease and other common issues that can impair the function and appearance of your teeth. Through quick and thorough assessments, we will evaluate the overall health and hygiene of your mouth as well as pinpoint any risks of tooth decay. Your peace of mind is worth a quick check up with our friendly and considerate dentist. Professional cleanings remove plaque build-ups that look unhygienic and are difficult to clear away at home. We will give your teeth an extra sparkle that you will never regret, so you can look your best every day. Moreover, professional cleanings help you avoid tooth discoloration and tartar deposits that can weaken your teeth’s enamel.
A woman that received emergency dental care in Madison Heights, MI

Preventing Cavities, Oral Disease & Pain

Regular inspections and cleanings are one of the most effective ways to prevent tooth decay and deterioration. Even if you take excellent care of your teeth with daily flossing and brushing, routine professional maintenance is important. Dental exams help you prevent difficult-to-reach plaque and tartar from causing cavities, tooth rot and gum disease. All too often, we hear of people who have been living with pain in their mouths for months and sometimes years. Oral exams not only prevent gum disease and screen for more serious ailments, but they also catch early signs of discomfort and prevent pain from affecting your lifestyle. A quick visit to your dentist is worth avoiding the hassle and time of addressing a larger problem.

Addressing Damage and Discomfort Promptly

When your child falls and cracks a tooth or the dull ache in the back of your mouth suddenly becomes unbearable, the professional dentists at Royal Oak Dental recognize that emergencies can happen when you least expect them.

That’s why our office hours change every day: We provide early-morning and late-night appointments as well as open hours on Saturdays. You can have peace of mind that whenever you need us, we will be available to give you and your family the care you need.

Professional Treatments You Can Trust

From emergency reparative care to root canals, we specialize in the high-quality and reliable dental treatments you need to remain healthy, hygienic and pain-free. We will listen to your thoughts and concerns, discuss your care options with you and offer helpful advice about which method will be best for you. Our services are always tailored to you and your loved ones, and we take the time to make sure you understand everything we do. Call us today for more information, or to schedule an appointment at 248-398-1818.
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